DCA In & DCA Out App

Automate buying Crypto Assets using your existing crypto exchange which provides you low fees and security. Read more about our story


Automated DCA in and DCA Out using your Kraken.com Account

Create custom DCA plan
We give you the flexibility to create custom DCA plans. You can set multiple plans and select the coin, currency, interval and amount.
Secure with Kraken
Based on your settings, the orders will be placed on your Kraken account securely. The funds remain on Kraken at all time. Enter the Kraken API key and make sure to have enough cash on your Kraken account on the day of execution.
DCA OUT (coming soon)
You can even sell your cryptocurrency using the reverse-DCA strategy. We call it DCA OUT and it is amazing to automatically sell a portion of your crypto portfolio in a crypto bull market.
Product screenshot

In Detail

What we offer

Secure with Kraken
You need to have a Kraken account to use the App. We do not directly buy and sell Cryptocurrencies for you but instead use Kraken. Kraken is well estabilished, very secure, and with a good track record.
Multiple Savings Plan at once
You can have several Savings Plan to fit your need. Having 5 DCA plans at once? No problem at all!
Multiple Coins & Currencies
You can create DCA plans with all the major Cryptocurrencies on Kraken. For now, you are able to choose EUR or USD as a base currency.
Low fees
We make use of the very low Kraken Pro exchange fee. Usually you pay around 1,5% to 3% per trade for a Savings Plan. The Kraken Pro fee is between 0,10-0,40% (Taker).